Monday, May 11, 2009

Youtube upload

latest video uploaded on youtube.making the most of the free time I am getting in Austria.Prisha is down with ear boil again and now has a huge stye in her right eye. Am stuck to the hotel room and the apartment as she is not too keen to explore the places.She is missing her routine back home.She is talking better , is very happy in super market but tells me not to get into any mall or places of interest. Am having a tough time with her continuous whining due to her aches and pain. I NEED A BREAK!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi ruchi,

    How are you? sorry havent been able to write to you. have been busy at the office. have passed on the links to my sister and she is following it strictly and she says there is an improvement. she will be writing to you sometime this week on her daughter's progress as hr internet at home is down. they are planning to be in india by june. how is prisha doing. hope her infection is come down. take care and God be with you
