The first independent flight out of our nest
As my little girl readies herself to go off on a 3 day class trip to see castle and study medieval history , one more person has to ready herself to be alone by herself after 19 years in a home. After the children arrived there was never a peaceful and dull moment and I wished that soon I should have them out into their lives. These 3 days would be kind of testing moments. My Prisha who never stayed away from me shall be with her group of teachers and friends with no phone on herself, no news is good news. All my support and confidence shall hopefully bear fruits, all that I did to get her to be independent depends on this trip. As a mother of a child with hearing impairment it's a moment not easy to live. What if her batteries are over, what if she misses instructions , what if she can't hear, what if .......Unsteady feelings of confidence and weakness , faster heartbeats and lots of mixed emotions inside of me. I have been able to build enough support in teachers through my work at school ... Yet .... !!!! I am a mum of a very special kid who lives in my soul and have been one who put every single letter in her vocabulary. Today she is going to be on her own and will bring back lots of words and sentences which I shall cherish! Praying and wishing to almighty to take care of her. We both are overwhelmed but I have to keep a tough heart and show an unaffected face as always . Tonight is going to be a long night as will be the next two. Heart beat .... Please stay steady.... One beat is going away to get independent !
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