Sunday, January 18, 2009

Prisha is 5

Our 2009 speech therapy classes got delayed as Mrs.Hudlikar was down with a stomach infection .And at that age to recover and regain stamina to teach 50 HI children takes time.
Our 1st session of the year started with the concept of time.2008 has gone 2009 has come.She sat down with the calenders of the 2 years and then talked about how the old calender is of no use as the new year has come.The kids were asked to say the names of the months of the year.Well Prisha almost managed. Then we moved to the names of the days of the week. The teacher asked everybody for their birth days, I held my breathe as I had been talking about her approaching birthday. She said her date of birth and when asked about how old she would be, she proudly said 5! She looked at me for approval and we exchanged that look where she was happy to see my thumbs up look. Ma'am marked her birthday on the calender.
2 days later it was her birthday ie, 15th Jan. I packed up some popcorn, cake and sweets to give in therapy class.We got a surprise.Ma'am was celebrating her birthday. She laid out a beautiful table cloth embroidered by her ,and we laid out the goodies that she kept for the little party and I took out my stuff.A candle was lit and we sang happy birthday for Prisha.She was thrilled! A lil envelope with some money for Prisha was a precious gift from her.A very touching and memorable b'day for us.A good therapy lesson was taken where we talked about b'days.
Prisha was on a big high on her big day.This year she had been to b'day party and wanted 1 for herself too.She is realizing the fun and was on cloud 9 the entire day.I loved to see the zest for life in her.She told me what she wanted for her big day. we pulled out the entire wardrobe as she could not decide what to wear. She wanted balloons of all colours in all rooms, [to be blown by the same lady in a sari who had blown in her friend's house- but my dear prisha it was her neighbour who helped out] the cake, the chips the food, etc had to laid.She specified where the cake would be cut, how it would be served and how the presents had to be opened after everybody left.My God , I was trying to keep pace on my creaky knees and was falling off with all the running around.But it was all worth it to see her eyes light up at everything that I could do for her, which wasn't much.She makes me feel young and energetic.Her energy radiates on to me.I thanked God that she came into my life.She has given meaning to my otherwise ordinary life.The other day I told her that I need to do yoga so that I keep healthy and teach her to talk well.She looked up at me with a funny look in her eyes and hugged me so tight.I had tears....Her 5th birthday is the 1st birthday where she realized the importance of her birthdate.The day ended with all the fun , where her friends painted, ate well sang for her gifted her and gave a lovely memory for us remember.The hangover is still not over though.We look forward to the next one now.

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