She speaks broken English and I have no Bahasa. Yet I called her and soon after tons of Ques, she asks me.... "will my girl talk like yours" And they say give sign language! When all the mothers want is to hear their kids speak. Her loss is 70 db and 90 and they ask her to implant. She doesn't want to meet few speech therapists as they push for cochlear implant!
Her excitement I hear in her voice. We live in the same city and we talked in halting English to see how little K can be helped. A motivated mum can do anything. And I see she is already trying. I hope to help her. I feel a sense of fulfillment. These videos I post not for anything else but in just that hope that there would be a mum just like this .... typing desperately , seeking answers for her deaf child and she would see them and come alive. Another child who could be wronged shall find the ears and a wonderful world of more time! Let's see what's in store for her and how this journey begins and if the mum shall be motivated enough to walk this path one more time. Watch this space for more!
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